Northam Swimming Club fully supports the policies, procedures and rules outlined by Swimming Australia and Swimming WA. These policies help facilitate a positive environment for our swimmers and supportive environment for our coaching staff. (Refer to links below)
Policies & Procedures
Swimming Australia - Safe Sport Framework
Swimming Australia – National Integrity Framework
Northam Swimming Club is committed to providing a safe environment for all our members. The safety of children and young people in our sport is paramount, and we want swimming to be a fun, enjoyable and safe for all. The National Integrity Framework (NIF) is an initiative of Swimming Australia and confirms the shared responsibility we all have for keeping each other safe in swimming- children and adults alike. In support of the Framework, Northam Swimming Club requires all coaches, team managers and Management Committee members to hold a current Working with Children’s check. If any swimmer, parent, coach or official feel they have been treated in a way that does not meet the National Integrity Framework or would like to discuss any part of the framework they are encouraged to contact the Club President Erica Leeson @