Thank you for your interest in joining the Northam Swimming Club.
Becoming a Member
The Northam Swimming Club membership is for a period of 12 months commencing from the first of November of each year although swimmers can join at any time during the year.
It is a requirement that all swimmers have at least one parent / guardian registered as a member with the club (parent membership is free) and also be registered with Swimming Western Australia (SWA) and Swimming Australia (SAL) (parent membership is free).
Renew Registration
Terms and Conditions
Western Australia (State)
Purchasing Terms.
Declaration 1
Conditions of being a Member of Swimming WA, Affiliated Region and Affiliated Club or Enterprise.
I agree to abide by the rules, regulations and policies of Swimming WA, Swimming Australia, the relevant Regional Swimming Association and the relevant club, including Swimming Australia's Anti-Doping, Member Welfare, Child Welfare, and Privacy Policies and general behavioural guidelines (these are available at I further agree that Swimming WA shall have the power to administer, apply and enforce Swimming Australia policies as required.
I authorise Swimming WA to use and disclose, to related and relevant bodies, any of my personal information that may be necessary to implement the rules, regulations and policies in 1 above. I agree to have my name, photograph, video & results published and used by Swimming WA, official sponsors and partners and constituent members within, but not limited to, official programs, newspapers, newsletters, educational resources and websites including social media.
I note that the club, as an affiliated member of Swimming WA, has $20 million public liability insurance cover.
I fully understand that Swimming Australia National Insurance Programme includes a limited level of cover in the event of Personal Injury. I understand that only NON-MEDICARE medical expenses (to a maximum of $5,000) can be claimed. If the medical service provided is eligible for a Medicare rebate of any value, any resultant GAP in costs is not able to be covered by the Swimming Australia policy due to current Commonwealth Legislation. For further information on the insurance cover available refer to Marsh Advantage Insurance Sport, or call 1300 373 130.
Membership is subject to approval by the club's management committee, in accordance with the club constitution. Membership is not confirmed until approved, regardless of monies paid. Any memberships not approved may be refunded.
I warrant that all information provided is true and accurate.
Declaration 2
Parent/Legal Guardian Consent (in respect to an applicant under the age of 18 years)
Where the applicant is under 18 years of age this form must be endorsed by the applicant's parent or legal guardian.
I have read, understood, acknowledge and agree to the declarations above and I warrant that all information provided is true and correct.
I, as the Parent or Guardian of the application, expressly agree to accept responsibility for the applicant's behaviour and agree to personally accept the conditions set out in the membership application and declaration.
I , and those I sign for, agree to abide by the Northam Swimming Club Code of Conduct (available at and I/we willing to participate in whatever way I/we can to support the club in meeting its aims and goals.
Please note that this is NOT the registration page for Masters swimming. Please contact your local Masters Swimming Club in order to organise membership.
The Northam Swimming club is registered with Kids Sports. Financial support is available for those that are eligible. Please see brochure to see if your family meet the requirements. Please download brochure/ application form or click on the link below form the kids sport online application.